Problem Set 4: VAR models
Exercise 1¶
Consider the following VAR
Show that this VAR is non-stationary.
To show the former statement, we will first rewrite the system of equations in matrix notation.
For stationarity, it has to hold that
Inserting the values from the previous formula yields
TODO: Finish proving non-stationarity
Exercise 2¶
Consider a stationary vector-autoregressive process \(A(L)X_t = \epsilon_t\) and its corresponding moving average representation \(X_t = C(L)\epsilon_t\), where \(C(L) = \sum^\infty_{i=0} C_i L^i\).
- Find the moving average coefficients for a \(VAR(1)\) process.
Given a \(VAR(1)\) with \(X_t = \nu + A_1 X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\), we can rewrite the process the following way:
Then, for the Wold representation we need that \(C(L)(I_K - A_1 L) = I_K\) with \(C(L) = \sum^\infty_{i=0} C^i L^i\). Premultiply yields:
Matching by the lag operator yields the following relation
- Show that the moving average coefficients for a \(VAR(2)\) can befound recoursively by \(C_0 = I\), \(C_1 = A_1\), and \(C_i = A_1 C_{i-1} + A_2 C_{i-2}\) for \(i = 2, \dots\).
First, let us define a \(VAR(2)\) process as \(X_t = \nu + A_1 X_{t-1} + A_2 X_{t-2} + \epsilon_t\). Then, rewrite the process with the lag operator and apply the Wold representation.
The Wold representation requires that \(C(L)(I_K - A_1 L - A_2 L) = I_K\).
Matching by the lag operator yields the following relation
TODO: The Wold presentation is on the wrong side of matrix \(A_i\). It has to be \(A_1 C_0\) instead of \(C_0 A_1\), but I want to know the reason for this position change, except that it is obvious as the multiplication would not work without it.
Exercise 3¶
Data Collection
Get the data from the data folder or go to and download the following quarterly data series (code in parentheses) for the years 1947Q1-2015Q4: - Real GDP (gdpc96) - GDP Deflator (GDPDEF) - Government consumption (GCE) - Population (B230RC0Q173SBEA) - Personal Consumption: Nondurable Goods (PCND) - Personal Consumption: Services (PCESV)
Construct the three time series: real per capita GDP Y , real per capita government consumption G, and real per capita private consumption C (consisting of nondurables and services consumption).
In [1]:
using LinearAlgebra, XLSX
In [2]:
xf = XLSX.readxlsx("problem_set_4_data/us_data.xlsx")
gdp_real = xf["Tabelle1!B8:B283"]
gdp_deflator = xf["Tabelle1!D8:D283"]
nom_gov_cons_inv = xf["Tabelle1!F8:F283"]
nom_priv_cons_ndg = xf["Tabelle1!J8:J283"]
nom_priv_cons_services = xf["Tabelle1!L8:L283"]
nipa_pop = xf["Tabelle1!N8:N283"]
In [3]:
Y = gdp_real ./ nipa_pop
G = nom_gov_cons_inv ./ nipa_pop ./ gdp_deflator
C = (nom_priv_cons_ndg + nom_priv_cons_services) ./ nipa_pop ./ gdp_deflator
timeline = (1947:0.25:2015.75);
VAR Estimation
Use the following function to estimate a \(VAR(4)\) on the vector of observables \(x_t = [log(G_t), log(Y_t), log(C_t)]\) via OLS. Also include a constant and a linear time trend.
In [4]:
function olsvar(y, p, trend_dummy)
t, K = size(y)
y = y'
# create lags
Z = y[:, p:t-1]
for i = 1:p-1
Z = [Z; y[:, p-i:t-i-1]]
if trend_dummy == 1
Z = [ones(1, t-p); (1:t-p)'; Z]
Z = [ones(1, t-p); Z]
Y = y[:, p+1:end]
# Lecture 8, Equations 2 and following
A = (Y * Z') / (Z * Z')
U = Y - A * Z
Σ = U * U' / (t - p - p*K - 1)
V = A[:, 1:1+trend_dummy]
A = A[:, 2+trend_dummy:K*p+1+trend_dummy]
np = length(A[:])
Σ_ML = (t - p - p*K - 1) / (t - p) * Σ
AIC = logdet(Σ_ML) + 2 * np / (t - p)
BIC = logdet(Σ_ML) + log(t - p) * np / (t - p)
HQ = logdet(Σ_ML) + 2 * log(log(t - p)) * np / (t - p)
return A, Σ, V, U, Y, Z, AIC, BIC, HQ
The function for the OLS estimation of the \(VAR(4)\) requires three
inputs where y
is the matrix containing the log series of the three
enitities, govermnent spending, GDP and private consumption. p
the number of lags, 4, and trend_dummy
indicates whether the model
should contain a trend dummy.
In [5]:
x = [log.(G) log.(Y) log.(C)]
lags = 4
trend = 1;
In [6]:
A, Σ, V, U, Y, Z, AIC, BIC, HQ = olsvar(x, lags, trend);
In [7]:
lag_maximum = 8
aic_array = Vector{Float64}(undef, lag_maximum)
bic_array = Vector{Float64}(undef, lag_maximum)
hq_array = Vector{Float64}(undef, lag_maximum)
for i = 1 : lag_maximum
_, _, _, _, _, _, aic_array[i], bic_array[i], hq_array[i] = olsvar(x[lag_maximum + 1 - i:end, :], i, 1)
In [8]:
argmin(aic_array), argmin(bic_array), argmin(hq_array)
(2, 2, 2)